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Lauren started Underdog after a years-long battle with her own sexuality. Through her personal coming out journey, she saw how far we still have to go as a society in accepting and supporting the LGBTIQ+ community. Crafting candles that celebrate everyday underdogs was both a creative outlet and a way to connect with and support her community.
Underdog began as a line of pride-themed candles, launched during pride month in order to raise money for the LGBTQ+ Freedom Fund.
But we believe that pride month should be every month, so we're proud to extend our original mission into a long-term promise:
We'll donate 5% of proceeds from all website purchases to organizations that support LGBTIQ+ causes, forever.
January - December 2025
This year, 5% of net proceeds will be donated to
The Trevor Project.
Donations will be used to provide crisis intervention and suicide prevention services for the LGBTQIA+ youths, and to foster safe, accepting, and inclusive environments for all youth, at home and at school, through public education, advocacy, peer support, and research projects
If you are thinking about harming yourself — get immediate support. Connect to a crisis counselor 24/7, 365 days a year, from anywhere in the U.S. It is 100% confidential, and 100% free. Connect with the Trevor Project here.

Photo credit: Cailyn Burke Photography
OutRight Action International
Donations were used to:
Document the realities and persecution facing LGBTIQ+ Afghans
This info was used to incite action by informing civil society, state and private sector actors about the situation and provide recommendations for safeguarding the human rights of LGBTIQ+ people, especially in times of extreme crisis
Support OutRight's ongoing mission to advocate for human rights on behalf of people who experience discrimination or abuse on the basis of their actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or expression.
June 2021
December 2021
June 2022
Donations used to:
Provide sensitive, quality health care and related services targeted to New York’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities — in all their diversity — regardless of ability to pay.
To further this mission, Callen-Lorde promotes health education and wellness, and advocates for LGBTQ health issues.
December 2022
PFLAG's Portland, Maine chapter
Donations used to:
Offer compassionate peer support to the parents, families and friends of, and including, LGBTQ+ individuals through group discussion, education, advocacy and creating connections to community resources.
OutRight Action International's COVID-19 relief fund
Donations were used to:
Provide healthcare, food, and housing for LGBTIQ+ populations impacted by COVID-19
Provide emergency services for LGBTIQ+ survivors of domestic violence; and
Document spikes in homophobic and transphobic violence in this time of crisis, which is crucial to raising awareness and future funding for the LGBTIQ+ community
September 2021
Sisters PGH
Donations used to:
Aid and rehabilitate transgender, POC, and impoverished individuals, as well as those that have been victimized by a restrictive and oppressive society that continues to marginalize them
Educate both our communities and the public through outreach and advocacy, helping to empower trans people within their communities
March 2022
The Trevor Project
Donations used to:
Provide crisis intervention and suicide prevention services for the LGBTQIA+ youths
Foster safe, accepting, and inclusive environments for all youth, at home and at school, through public education, advocacy, peer support, and research projects
If you are thinking about harming yourself — get immediate support. Connect to a crisis counselor 24/7, 365 days a year, from anywhere in the U.S. It is 100% confidential, and 100% free. Connect with the Trevor Project here.
The Trevor Project
Donations used to:
Provide crisis intervention and suicide prevention services for the LGBTQIA+ youths
Foster safe, accepting, and inclusive environments for all youth, at home and at school, through public education, advocacy, peer support, and research projects
If you are thinking about harming yourself — get immediate support. Connect to a crisis counselor 24/7, 365 days a year, from anywhere in the U.S. It is 100% confidential, and 100% free. Connect with the Trevor Project here.